B-Gold is a type of currency.
This currency is bound to the character. 
Players cannot trade it with each other but can use it to buy items from special NPCs.

These NPCs can be found at Fire Square (Sparta) and Freedom Square (Athens).
Their coordinates are 147, -137.

At the Gold Trader and B-Gold Store, you can buy items for gear enhancement, pet elixirs, and costumes.

Obtaining B-Gold
A game character can obtain this currency in several ways:
- Rewards for server support, participating in activities, etc.
- Prizes for contests and other activities.
- Helping newcomers through the mentoring system
- Races

Players who help newcomers receive rewards in the form of reputation points or master points. 
These points can be exchanged at NPC Alkippe once a month.

Master points accumulate from interactions between a student and a teacher (see Mentoring).

You can see the amount of your gold through the equipment window (B).

Using B-Gold

Items purchased with B-Gold cannot be traded.

The Gold Trader can offer players costume upgrade kits.

Bronze, silver, sacred boxes, stones, and spirits are needed after the character reaches level 70 (see Professions).

Various items for pet leveling and development are also available.

These include pet inventory expansion, food, capture nets, and various enhancements.

The B-Gold Store boasts a wide variety - teleportation scrolls, inventory (backpack) expansion bags, and various character costumes.

One of the important resources that can be purchased with B-Gold are stones for gear enhancement.
These include crystals that increase the chance of successful enhancement and various types of stones (see Gear and Weapon Enhancement).

Besides essential resources, players can acquire high-level skill books (see Skills).

Guide Author: Yokano. Published by: Choknytaya.