[UNDERGROUND] The Atlantis Portal

[UNDERGROUND] The Atlantis Portal

For a team of 1-5 players who have reached level 90.

To enter Atlantis, you need to talk to NPC Guide.


Instance available once per day.
Players have 40 minutes to complete the instance.

Monster waves will attack players, and the goal is to destroy as many as possible within the given time. The more destroyed, the better the rewards.

Take pet capturing nets with you into the instance - mermaids inhabit Atlantis.



If a player is killed during the trial, they will be respawned at the beginning of the instance.

A player who voluntarily leaves the dungeon before the time expires will not receive any rewards.

Each kill increases the team's score, with strong monsters yielding more points.

  • 1 point for a regular monster;

  • 10 points for an elite monster;

  • 50 points for each boss.

To complete the mission, each team needs to score 850 points.

The score can be checked at any time by clicking on the team icon:

The Support Points earned in the trial can be exchanged for various items from NPC Score Exchanger.

The team that successfully completes the mission will receive the title "Participant of the Underwater Expedition".
The player who completes the instance solo will receive the title "Underwater Hunter".

If there is a need to terminate the dungeon for any reason, the reward will be determined at the time of termination.


Guide author: Yokano. Published by: Choknytaya.