[SYSTEM] Marriage
The game has a marriage system available to anyone who is ready to take the decisive step.
Marriage is divided into two stages - Engagement and Wedding.
Male and female characters can unite and apply for an engagement with the NPC Cupid, who is located in the Marriage Palace of each of the main cities.
Only a male character can apply. The cost of the engagement is 9,999 silver coins.
Once the application at Cupid's is approved, the couple is officially engaged and given the titles of engaged (Cupid's Sacrifice).
In order to have a full-fledged wedding, you need to prove your intentions.
A full wedding costs 100 gold.
A couple in love should get the Scar Necklace
It's available at Pans Labyrinth
Remember that both players must have a necklace each.
With the necklace, the newlyweds-to-be must go to the Wedding Palace to book a wedding time with the NPC Cupid.
The wedding should take place at the top of the hour. If the desired time is already booked, the couple must choose another available time.
The day of the week is indicated from 1 to 7 (Mon-Fri).
The hour is indicated according to the day system (0-24).
When the scheduled time comes, the male character must speak to Cupid to activate the wedding.
The female character must then answer "Yes" in their dialogue with the NPC.
Cupid will then proclaim them husband and wife, and fireworks will be set off to celebrate.
The titles will appear automatically in the Titles (Married) list.
During a wedding, the bride and groom can make and distribute red packets to their guests by opening a dialogue box with the NPC Priest who stands in the same square.
After the wedding, the bride and groom may request a wedding present from Cupid
The gift includes:
The usual fireworks
Improved fireworks
Fireworks of love
An improved firework of love
Aphrodite's Blessing Garment (3 days)
Everyone will know about the marriage - the announcement will appear to players of the other faction as well.
Unfortunately, not all marriages are for life.
The NPC Cupid's Shadow can help break up an engagement or marriage. He stands not far from his brother.
Termination of an engagement by mutual consent
The betrothed couple needs to find Cupid's Shadow, after which one party (male or female) initiates the cancellation and the other party must confirm their consent. Once the transaction is completed, the respective betrothal titles will be automatically removed.
Forced cancellation of engagement
If a partner does not appear in the game for 15 consecutive days, the other has the ability to get the engagement cancelled by finding Cupid's Shadow.
If a character decides to cancel an engagement within 15 days of the engagement, the party proposing the cancellation will lose 200 reputation points.
Consensual divorce
Seven days after the wedding, the couple has the option to have the marriage annulled. One party must initiate the divorce operation and the other party must confirm their consent. Once the operation has taken place, the marriage will be annulled. Both players will lose 100 reputation points each.
Forced divorce
If one party does not appear online for 15 consecutive days, the other party will have the opportunity to obtain a divorce. This transaction will not affect the reputation of the initiator of the divorce.
If a character decides to divorce before 15 days after the wedding, the initiator of the divorce will lose 200 reputation points.
Author of the guide: Yokano. Posted by.: Сhoknytaya.